Balancing Company and Factor Risk

- Use fundamental analysis to understand company specific risk
- Understanding the business allows for a better assessment of the company specific risk of failure/disruption

- Use traditional factor analysis to evaluate sources of stock price volatility
- Momentum, growth, size, valuation, etc

- Utilize our proprietary factor model to evaluate exposures to macroeconomic variables that can/might change
- Inflation
- Optimism
- Economic Growth
Composite Performance as of December 31, 2024*
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The Russell 2500 Growth Index represents a segment of the Russell 2500 Index that display signs of above average growth. The Russell 2500 Index is an index measuring the performance of approximately 2,500 U.S. small and mid-cap companies.
Composite Performance reflects reinvestment of all income and capital gains and is shown in US dollars and after the deduction of transaction costs. Returns for periods greater than 1 year are annualized. Composite Performance is shown gross and net of actual management fees charged. Actual investment advisory fees incurred by clients may vary. Additional information on the calculation methodologies used herein is available upon request. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees and cannot be invested in directly. The Composite and index returns are net of any foreign withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and capital gains.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Performance during certain periods reflect strong stock market performance that is not typical and may not be repeated.