International Equity
CastleArk’s International Equity strategy and International Small Cap strategy build portfolios of companies with accelerating growth and revenue characteristics seeking to capture inefficiencies in non-US markets. The portfolios are constructed from a pure bottom up standpoint by focusing on those companies with the most attractive growth opportunities regardless of region, country or sector.
Master Limited Partnerships (MLP) primarily engage in owning and operating energy infrastructure throughout the United States. CastleArk’s MLP portfolio employs a growth-oriented, total-return strategy that focuses on maximizing distribution growth over yield. This high-conviction portfolio seeks to diversify across all midstream subsectors.
Global Energy
The Global Energy Strategy focuses on upstream, oilfield service and infrastructure companies who are positioned to accelerate production and reserve growth. These holdings are better able to generate outperformance through capital adjusted cash flow and earnings growth, as well as manage global reinvestment risk through a range of commodity and currency price cycles.