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Global Energy

Distinguishing Characteristics


The investment team has many years of experience deploying institutional capital within the Energy sector across multiple cycles.

Development - Cycle Focused

A deep understanding of the capital deployment cycle and asset level economics are crucial to generating alpha.

Enhanced Risk-Adjusted Returns

A focused, quantitative model that seeks to optimize risk-adjusted returns and minimize losses.

The Way We Think

To generate alpha across Energy cycles, investors must identify the optimal window between capital deployment, capital needs, and asset level returns. Anticipating changes and managing risks across different commodity price environments, varying levels of economic growth, and changing regulatory & policy regimes is crucial to success.

We Believe In:

Energy Investing

It is the changes in cash flow expectations that drive long-term performance across Energy equities

Asset-level Economics

A deep understanding of asset-level economics allows us to identify those companies that will position our strategies for above-average returns

Capital Efficiency

The most capital efficient companies have the highest probability of exceeding expectations and generating alpha

Risk Management

A dynamic risk management system is critical to monitoring both active and unintentional exposures and enhancing risk-adjusted returns

Process and Portfolio Construction

We utilize bottoms-up, fundamental analysis driven by a set of capital returns-focused metrics. When combined with our deep expertise across the Energy sector, our unique growth process is designed to produce a high-conviction portfolio of companies best positioned to accelerate returns from their capital investments. We employ institutional levels of risk control to ensure our portfolio delivers those returns at the optimized risk level.

Strategy: CastleArk Global Energy

Index: MSCI ACWI Energy*

Available Vehicles:  Separately Managed Account

Inception Date: 6/30/2009

A unique process that identifies the most capital efficient companies positioned to enhance shareholder returns

An experienced investment team focused on asset-level economics across the development cycle

A high-conviction portfolio of companies with the ability to deliver best-in-class returns on their investments through the cycle

Composite Performance as of December 31, 2024*

MSCI (“MSCI”) is the source and owner of the trademarks, service marks and copyrights related to the MSCI Indexes. MSCI® is a trademark of MSCI. Neither MSCI nor its licensors accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the MSCI  Indexes and/or MSCI ratings or underlying data and no party may rely on any MSCI Indexes and/or MSCI  ratings and/or underlying data contained in this communication. No further distribution of MSCI Data is permitted without MSCI’s express written consent. MSCI does not promote, sponsor or endorse the content of this communication.

The MSCI All Country World Energy Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index designed to measure world energy performance. The MSCI ACWE Index is net of dividend withholdings.

Composite Performance reflects reinvestment of all income and capital gains and is shown in US dollars and after the deduction of transaction costs. Composite Performance is shown gross and net of actual management fees charged. Actual investment advisory fees incurred by clients may vary. Additional information on the calculation methodologies used herein is available upon request. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees and cannot be invested in directly. The Composite and index returns are net of any foreign withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and capital gains.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Performance during certain periods reflect strong stock market performance that is not typical and may not be repeated.

Portfolio Managers

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CastleArk Management, LLC is a registered investment advisor registered with The Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

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© CastleArk Management, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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